/** load content via ajax . for more information please refer to documentation #basics/ajax */ (function($ , undefined) { var ajax_loaded_scripts = {} function aceajax(contentarea, settings) { var $contentarea = $(contentarea); var self = this; $contentarea.attr('data-ajax-content', 'true'); //get a list of 'data-*' attributes that override 'defaults' and 'settings' var attrib_values = ace.helper.getattrsettings(contentarea, $.fn.ace_ajax.defaults); this.settings = $.extend({}, $.fn.ace_ajax.defaults, settings, attrib_values); var working = false; var $overlay = $();//empty set this.force_reload = false;//set jquery ajax's cache option to 'false' to reload content this.loadurl = function(hash, cache) { var url = false; hash = hash.replace(/^(\#\!)?\#/, ''); this.force_reload = (cache === false) if(typeof this.settings.content_url === 'function') url = this.settings.content_url(hash); if(typeof url === 'string') this.geturl(url, hash, false); } this.loadaddr = function(url, hash, cache) { this.force_reload = (cache === false); this.geturl(url, hash, false); } this.geturl = function(url, hash, manual_trigger) { if(working) { return; } var event $contentarea.trigger(event = $.event('ajaxloadstart'), {url: url, hash: hash}) if (event.isdefaultprevented()) return; self.startloading(); $.ajax({ 'url': url, 'cache': !this.force_reload }) .error(function() { $contentarea.trigger('ajaxloaderror', {url: url, hash: hash}); self.stoploading(true); }) .done(function(result) { $contentarea.trigger('ajaxloaddone', {url: url, hash: hash}); var link_element = null, link_text = '';; if(typeof self.settings.update_active === 'function') { link_element = self.settings.update_active.call(null, hash, url); } else if(self.settings.update_active === true && hash) { link_element = $('a[data-url="'+hash+'"]'); if(link_element.length > 0) { var nav = link_element.closest('.nav'); if(nav.length > 0) { nav.find('.active').each(function(){ var $class = 'active'; if( $(this).hasclass('hover') || self.settings.close_active ) $class += ' open'; $(this).removeclass($class); if(self.settings.close_active) { $(this).find(' > .submenu').css('display', ''); } }) var active_li = link_element.closest('li').addclass('active').parents('.nav li').addclass('active open'); nav.closest('.sidebar[data-sidebar-scroll=true]').each(function() { var $this = $(this); $this.ace_sidebar_scroll('reset'); if(manual_trigger) $this.ace_sidebar_scroll('scroll_to_active');//first time only }) } } } ///////// if(typeof self.settings.update_breadcrumbs === 'function') { link_text = self.settings.update_breadcrumbs.call(null, hash, url, link_element); } else if(self.settings.update_breadcrumbs === true && link_element != null && link_element.length > 0) { link_text = updatebreadcrumbs(link_element); } ///////// //convert "title" and "link" tags to "div" tags for later processing result = string(result) .replace(/<(title|link)([\s\>])/gi,'') $overlay.addclass('content-loaded').detach(); $contentarea.empty().html(result); $(self.settings.loading_overlay || $contentarea).append($overlay); //remove previous stylesheets inserted via ajax settimeout(function() { $('head').find('link.ace-ajax-stylesheet').remove(); var main_selectors = ['link.ace-main-stylesheet', 'link#main-ace-style', 'link[href*="/ace.min.css"]', 'link[href*="/ace.css"]'] var ace_style = []; for(var m = 0; m < main_selectors.length; m++) { ace_style = $('head').find(main_selectors[m]).first(); if(ace_style.length > 0) break; } $contentarea.find('.ajax-append-link').each(function(e) { var $link = $(this); if ( $link.attr('href') ) { var new_link = jquery('', {type : 'text/css', rel: 'stylesheet', 'class': 'ace-ajax-stylesheet'}) if( ace_style.length > 0 ) new_link.insertbefore(ace_style); else new_link.appendto('head'); new_link.attr('href', $link.attr('href'));//we set "href" after insertion, for ie to work } $link.remove(); }) }, 10); ////////////////////// if(typeof self.settings.update_title === 'function') { self.settings.update_title.call(null, hash, url, link_text); } else if(self.settings.update_title === true) { updatetitle(link_text); } if( !manual_trigger ) { $('html,body').animate({scrolltop: 0}, 250); } ////////////////////// $contentarea.trigger('ajaxloadcomplete', {url: url, hash: hash}); ////////////////////// self.stoploading(); }) } /////////////////////// var fixpos = false; var loadtimer = null; this.startloading = function() { if(working) return; working = true; if(!this.settings.loading_overlay && $contentarea.css('position') == 'static') { $contentarea.css('position', 'relative');//for correct icon positioning fixpos = true; } $overlay.remove(); $overlay = $('
') if(this.settings.loading_overlay == 'body') $('body').append($overlay.addclass('ajax-overlay-body')); else if(this.settings.loading_overlay) $(this.settings.loading_overlay).append($overlay); else $contentarea.append($overlay); if(this.settings.max_load_wait !== false) loadtimer = settimeout(function() { loadtimer = null; if(!working) return; var event $contentarea.trigger(event = $.event('ajaxloadlong')) if (event.isdefaultprevented()) return; self.stoploading(true); }, this.settings.max_load_wait * 1000); } this.stoploading = function(stopnow) { if(stopnow === true) { working = false; $overlay.remove(); if(fixpos) { $contentarea.css('position', '');//restore previous 'position' value fixpos = false; } if(loadtimer != null) { cleartimeout(loadtimer); loadtimer = null; } } else { $overlay.addclass('almost-loaded'); $contentarea.one('ajaxscriptsloaded.inner_call', function() { self.stoploading(true); /** if(window.pace && pace.running == true) { pace.off('done'); pace.once('done', function() { self.stoploading(true) }) } else self.stoploading(true); */ }) } } this.working = function() { return working; } /////////////////////// function updatebreadcrumbs(link_element) { var link_text = ''; //update breadcrumbs var breadcrumbs = $('.breadcrumb'); if(breadcrumbs.length > 0 && breadcrumbs.is(':visible')) { breadcrumbs.find('> li:not(:first-child)').remove(); var i = 0; link_element.parents('.nav li').each(function() { var link = $(this).find('> a'); var link_clone = link.clone(); link_clone.find('i,.fa,.glyphicon,.ace-icon,.menu-icon,.badge,.label').remove(); var text = link_clone.text(); link_clone.remove(); var href = link.attr('href'); if(i == 0) { var li = $('
  • ').appendto(breadcrumbs); li.text(text); link_text = text; } else { var li = $('
  • ').insertafter(breadcrumbs.find('> li:first-child')); li.find('a').attr('href', href).text(text); } i++; }) } return link_text; } function updatetitle(link_text) { var $title = $contentarea.find('.ajax-append-title'); if($title.length > 0) { document.title = $title.text(); $title.remove(); } else if(link_text.length > 0) { var extra = $.trim(string(document.title).replace(/^(.*)[\-]/, ''));//for example like " - ace admin" if(extra) extra = ' - ' + extra; link_text = $.trim(link_text) + extra; } } this.loadscripts = function(scripts, callback) { $.ajaxprefilter('script', function(opts) {opts.cache = true}); settimeout(function() { //let's keep a list of loaded scripts so that we don't load them more than once! function finishloading() { if(typeof callback === 'function') callback(); $('.btn-group[data-toggle="buttons"] > .btn').button(); $contentarea.trigger('ajaxscriptsloaded'); } //var deferreds = []; var deferred_count = 0;//deferreds count var resolved = 0; for(var i = 0; i < scripts.length; i++) if(scripts[i]) { (function() { var script_name = "js-"+scripts[i].replace(/[^\w\d\-]/g, '-').replace(/\-\-/g, '-'); if( ajax_loaded_scripts[script_name] !== true ) deferred_count++; })() } function nextscript(index) { index += 1; if(index < scripts.length) loadscript(index); else { finishloading(); } } function loadscript(index) { index = index || 0; if(!scripts[index]) {//could be null sometimes return nextscript(index); } var script_name = "js-"+scripts[index].replace(/[^\w\d\-]/g, '-').replace(/\-\-/g, '-'); //only load scripts that are not loaded yet! if( ajax_loaded_scripts[script_name] !== true ) { $.getscript(scripts[index]) .done(function() { ajax_loaded_scripts[script_name] = true; }) //.fail(function() { //}) .complete(function() { resolved++; if(resolved >= deferred_count && working) { finishloading(); } else { nextscript(index); } }) } else {//script previoisly loaded nextscript(index); } } if (deferred_count > 0) { loadscript(); } else { finishloading(); } }, 10) } ///////////////// $(window) .off('hashchange.ace_ajax') .on('hashchange.ace_ajax', function(e, manual_trigger) { var hash = $.trim(window.location.hash); if(!hash || hash.length == 0) return; self.loadurl(hash); }).trigger('hashchange.ace_ajax', [true]); var hash = $.trim(window.location.hash); if(!hash && this.settings.default_url) window.location.hash = this.settings.default_url; }//aceajax $.fn.aceajax = $.fn.ace_ajax = function (option, value, value2, value3) { var method_call; var $set = this.each(function () { var $this = $(this); var data = $this.data('ace_ajax'); var options = typeof option === 'object' && option; if (!data) $this.data('ace_ajax', (data = new aceajax(this, options))); if (typeof option === 'string' && typeof data[option] === 'function') { if(value3 != undefined) method_call = data[option](value, value2, value3); else if(value2 != undefined) method_call = data[option](value, value2); else method_call = data[option](value); } }); return (method_call === undefined) ? $set : method_call; } $.fn.aceajax.defaults = $.fn.ace_ajax.defaults = { content_url: false, default_url: false, loading_icon: 'fa fa-spin fa-spinner fa-2x orange', loading_text: '', loading_overlay: null, update_breadcrumbs: true, update_title: true, update_active: true, close_active: false, max_load_wait: false } })(window.jquery);